Grene Vision Group is making every effort to ensure that the information available on our website is accessible to all. Grene Vision Group is striving for Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 compliance.
If you experience any difficulty in accessing content on the website, please contact us and we will make every effort to assist you.
Your full name.
Your phone number and email address.
The web address (URL) of the web page that you are having issues accessing.
Describe in detail what accessibility issues you are having with the web page. If you are using assistive technology to access the web page, give us details about the technology you are using and how you are using it – this will allow us to try and duplicate your problem.
Grene Vision Group is not responsible for the accessibility of content on external sites linked from Additional accessibility resources and assistance are available at
Grene Vision Group has established a long and true tradition of professional excellence, defined by training, experience, state-of-the-art technology, and world-class care. Our goal is to enhance the quality of our patients’ lives by helping them achieve the best vision possible.